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Diesel Maintenance Spare Parts
21510519 |
Dowel, straight, F.P. support to block, 1/2 in dia x1 in |
21514047 |
Pin, Cotter 1/4 in dia , 3 in. intermediate brg. Stud bolts |
21514059 |
Pin Cotter, 1/4 in dia , 3-1/4 in , intermediate brg Stud bolts |
21514079 |
Pin cotter, 716 in dia, 2-1/2 in center brig stud bolts |
21514035 |
Pin cotter, 1/4 in dia, 2-1/2 in, center brIg. Stud bolts |
Cap main bearing, intermediate |
Cap, main bearing center (thrust) |
Cap, main bearing thrust generator end NO.9 |
2151058 |
Pin spirol, cap to block 1/2 in, 1 in |
2151607 |
Stud bolt, intermediate bearing |
2151625 |
Nut, hex intermediate bearing |
*2155384 |
Nut, winged, intermediate bearing |
2151265-1 |
Stud bolt, center bearing |
215608 |
Nut, hex centre bearing |
2151626 |
Wsher, hex nut center bearing |
2155383 |
Nut, winged, center bearing |
2151624-1 |
Pipe plug, center bearing cap, 1/2 in IPS hex socket |
45660-0104 |
Line, L.O. to main bearing |
2402267 |
Connector tube to main bearing, 7/8 in 0.0. 3/4 in IPS |
16391630 |
Nut, base L.O. fitting, 7/8 in 0.0.3/4 in IPS |
1639556 |
Sleeve, nut 7/8 in 0D |
1639565 |
Sleeve, nut 7/8 in 0.D. |
21410141 |
Shell, main bearing intermediate |
21410326 |
Shell, main bearing, center |
2141371 |
Flange, thrust (half) required when thrust is carried on center main bearing |
2141373 |
Flange, thrust (half) required when thrust is carried on generator bearing |
21410141 |
Shell, main bearing, intermediate |
21410354 |
Shell, bearing NO.9 upper |
21410141 |
Shell, bearing NO.9 lower |
21410326 |
Shell center |
2311012 |
Cover camshaft bore, right and left side |
2311051 |
"0" ring, cover to block |
2154964 |
Capscrew cover to block, 12 in -13, 1 in, hex h |
23110112 |
Cover, camshaft bore, right and left side |
21522831 |
Gasket, cover to block |
2154964 |
Capscrewcovertoblock, 1/2in-13, 1 in,hex h |
65061-027 |
Lockwire, .080 in dia, 48 in |
21532041 |
Capscrew, base to block, 7/8 in -9,2-3/4 in, hex h |
2151319 |
Lockwasher, 7/8 in |
2151779 |
Dowel, taper, base to block No.11, 2-3/4 in |
2311061-1 |
Casing, outer, water vent |
2155641 |
Sleeve, water vent |
2153662-1 |
Gasket, water vent |
21513533 |
Capscrew, casing to brock, 3/8 in-16, 5/8 in, hex h |
2151312 |
Lockwasher, 3/8 in |
1639376 |
Pipe plug, gas vent connections, 1 in, IPS, sq.h |
1639373 |
Pipe plug, control box conections, 1/2 in, IPS sq.h |
21514285 |
Stud 1/2 in -13 4 in. lube oil separate to block |
2151697 |
Nut 1/2 in - 13 hex |
2151313 |
Lockwasher, 1/2 in |
21514283 |
Stud 7/8 in, -9, in outboard bearing to block |
2151696 |
Nut 7/8 in -9 hex |
2151319 |
Lockwasher, 7/8 in |
2153094 |
Cover, block, free end |
21513510 |
Bolt, 1/2 in - 13,1-1/4 in, hex cover |
2151116 |
Gasket, copper 3/4 in 0.0. 1/3210 |
Part No. |
Cylinder block (order by DE or SO and Engine serial number) |
2501071 |
Stud. SpL. Cylinder head |
2153175 |
Nut, spl For stud exposed |
2153174 |
Nut, spl. For stud under valve lever casing |
2153181 |
Expansion plug, in nut, valve lever casing |
2151426 |
Stud Turbo support to block, 5/8-11 x 2-1/4 |
2151691-1 |
Nut. 5/8-11 |
'2151311-1 |
Lockwasher, 5/8 |
2161332 |
Camshaft bushing, Intermediate |
2153604 |
Eyebolt, lifter, generator end |
21520735 |
Setscrew, jam nut to eyebolt |
2155783 |
Nut, jam, hex 2-1/2-8 |
16393911 |
Hex bushing, fuel drain, 1 IPS x 1/2 IPS |
*23211313 |
Spirol pin, control shaft bracket to block, 1/4 x 1-1/4 |
21510519 |
Straight dowel, F.P support to block, 1/2x1 |
21514047 |
Pin, cotter, intermediate brg. Stud bolts, 7/16x3 |
Pin, cotter, intermediate brg. Stud bolts, 7/16x3 |
21514079 |
Pin, cotter, intermediate brg. Stud bolts (no longer required; see note) |
Pin, cotter, center brg. Stud bolts, 7/16x2-1/2 |
*2311062-1 |
Sleeve, liner to block, lower (standard) |
'2501083 |
Sleeve, liner to block, lower (standard) |
21411014 |
Main bearing cap, intermedaite |
21411115 |
Main bearing cap, center (thrust) |
2144445 |
Main bearing cap, thrust, generator end No.9 |
2151058 |
Spirol pin, cap to block, 1/2x1 |
2151607-1 |
Stud bolt, intermediate bearing |
2151625-1 |
Nut, hex intermediate bearing |
2155384-1 |
Washer, hex nut intermediate bearing |
2151265-1 |
Wings, nut intermediate bearing |
2151609-1 |
Stud bolt, center bearing |
2151626-1 |
Nut, hex center bearing |
2155383-1 |
Washer, hex nut center bearing |
2151624-1 |
Winged nut, center bearing |
16393715 |
Pipe plug, center bearing cap, 1/2 IPS, hex socket |
2402267 |
Main bearing L.O. tube, spl. (req.with full base screen application) |
*24022636 |
Main bearing L.O tube, spl. (reqwith sum base screen application) |
*24022635 |
Main bearing L.O. tube sRI. NoA,5,6,7 (req.with sump base screen only) |
16391630 |
Connector, tube to main bearing, 7/8 OD x 3/4 IPS |
1639556 |
Nut, base L.O. fitting 7/8 OD |
1639565 |
Sleeve, nut 7/8 OD |
21410166 |
Main bearing shell, center |
21410626 |
Thrust flange (half) required when thrust is carried on center main bearing |
2141371 |
Thrust flange (half) required when thrust is carried on generator bearing |
2141373 |
Thrust flange (half) required when thrust is carried on generator bearing |
*21410166 |
Main bearing shell, intermediate |
*21410326 |
Main bearing shell, center |
*21410365 |
Main benng shell, thrust no.9 upper |
21410166 |
Main bearing whell, intermediate, No.9 lower |
2311012 |
Camshaft bore cover, Rand L side (prior design "0" ring application |
2311051 |
"0" ring cover to block (prior design "0" ring application) |
2154964 |
Capscrew, cover to block, 1/2-13x1 (prior design "0" ring application) |
23110112 |
Camshaft bore cover, Rand L side (current design "0" ring application |
*2161343 |
Camshaft outboard bearing housing (use only with camshaft outboard) |
bearing application in place of cover 23110112) |
*2151334 |
Camshaft bushing (use only wlcamshaft outboard bearing application |
21522831 |
Gasket, cover or brg. Housing to block |
2154964 |
Capscrew, cover to org. housing to block, 1/2-13/1 |
2157002 |
Lockwire, 0.080x48 in. |
*21532041-1 |
Capscrew, base to block, 7/8-9x2-3/4 |
*2151319-1 |
Lockwasher, 7/8 |
2151779 |
Dowel, taper, base to block, No. 11 x2-3/4 |
*23110116 |
Cover, water vent |
*21522861 |
Gasket, water vent cover |
*21513533-1 |
Capscrew, vent cover to block, 3/8-16x5/8 |
2151312-1 |
Lockwasher, 3/8 |
1639376 |
Pipe plug, gas vent connections, 1 IPS, sq.h |
1639373 |
Pipe plug, control box connections 1/2 IPS sq.h. |
21514283 |
Stud Outboard bearing to block. 7/8-9/7 |
2151696-1 |
Nut, 7/8-9 |
2151319-1 |
Lockwasher, 7/8 |
2153094 |
Cover, block, free end |
*21513510-1 |
Capscrew, cover, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4 |
2151116 |
Gasket, copper, 3/400 x 1/32 1D |
*23110119 |
Crankcase exhaust opening cover, left side |
2154654 |
Gasket, cover |
*21555868 |
Capscrew, cover to block, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 |
*2151312-1 |
Lockwasher, 3/8 |
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